Email Marketing
Work with Spring13 to build strategies to transform your generic batch or transactional messages into dynamically branded, personalized emails that deliver real results. First we’ll work to understand your goals and the specifics of your email program and target audience. We’ll then assess the strengths and opportunities of your entire program, or a defined portion of it. Lastly, in partnership, we’ll develop the most efficient and effective plan to reach your objectives.
We would welcome the opportunity to help provide you with a custom email marketing review covering:
1. Your entire email marketing program
2. Specific email categories – lifecycle, promotional, acquisition, retention, transactional and/or automated campaigns
3. Specific email topics – creative and copy, deliverability, list hygiene, targeting and segmentation, automation, test and learn strategies, live content, mobile optimization and/or real-time behavior-based outreach
4. A multi-channel approach – email and social, email and mobile, email and direct mail
5. A future platform or vendor migration – topics to consider, scorecards, etc.